মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

iPad 2 / iPhone 4S Untethered 5.0.1 Jailbreak Imminent

Few hours ago, the great hacker Planetbeing has tweeted some important news on his twitter account. Planetbeing has confirmed that the team of Untethered jailbreak (Dream Team) now out of Sandbox with Cydia Founder (Saurik) invaluable help!

And we’re out of the sandbox with @saurik’s invaluable help! (well, at least there’s a PoC) :D Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.

For who don’t know that Sandbox was the major issue that was facing Dream Team during last few weeks. Solving this issue means that we became more closer from the release of iPhone 4S / iPad 2 untethered jailbreak on 5.0.1.
Aw we told you before, Pod2g the great hacker say that iPad 2 and iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak is imminent.
Now it should be a matter of days. Still no precise ETA of course.

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