মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Siri’s diaries with The Top 5 Siri hacks [Videos]

If you know nothing about Siri [which something i don't believe in it] her we will take a rid through Siri from day one till now we will discuss any thing concerning that application starting with what is Siri ? passing with what it did from the time it was created till now. Ending with the rumors that even Siri couldn’t escape them. And the most important part is a little warning at last of the article which you really have to check it out.

At first let us take a brief account on what is Siri?

Siri is an application on iPhone 4S started by steve jobs [RIP], Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, that application lets you use your own voiceto send messages, place phone calls, schedule your meeting and below we will getsurprised when we find out what has Siri reaches to do.

So Let’s see how Siri works,

1) It understands what you say.

The most interesting thing about that application that you talk to Siri as if you are talking to a real person, you can for example say something to it like “remind me to call the doctor”, “any burger joints around here?”and immediatly Siri does what you say, search and find the information you need, then answers you. Like you are having a conversation with you friend but i guess the only different between Siri and your friend that i don’t guess any of us has a friend with that awesome voice, really Siri’s voice is one of the significant issues concerning that application, simply it make you want to hear it always.

2) It knows what you mean.

Siri is so smart that it’s not only understands what you say, but it knows what you mean, so for example if you ask “Any good burger joints around here.” , Siri will reply saying” i found a number of burger resturants near you.” , and Siri is proactive, so it will question you until it finds what you’re looking for. So with Siri no place for worry.

3) It helps you do the things you do every day.

As you can ask Siri ti text your wife, remind you to call your Mum, find directions, and smartly it figures out which application to use and who is the person you are talking about. It even can find for you answers from the web. And to help you finding directions it looks up where you live, where you work and where you are using Location Services, then it gives you the information and the best options based on your current location. So with Siri never be afraid of getting lost and from the details in your contacts, it knows your friends, family, boss, and colleagues. So when you tell her “Siri Call Sohyla” my phone will rings immediately.

4 ) It has alot to tell you.

When there’s something you need to do, just ask Siri to help you do it. Siri uses almost all the built-in Apps on iPhone 4S, Siri wakes you up, play for you the song you want , helps you to remember things, Siri can be their for you in so many ways. But hay, if you are married watch out your wife as jealousy may make her destroys your iPhone ;) .
Let’s now begin with out second step in Siri’s interesting diary, let’s check what else Siri did with the below Top Five Siri’s achievements :

2011 saw the rise and fall of Siri. What was initially hailed as something just short of the savior of mankind turned out to be a limited voice control system. Apple insists Siri is still a beta product. They say it will get better.
But some out there couldn’t wait for Apple. And so, with a little imagineering, people made Siri do all sorts of unconventional tasks in 2011. These hacks led to her opening beer, playing the piano, and even warning owners about what’s on a specific TV station. Yeah, the official feature set of Siri is a bit underwhelming, but hackers and modders managed to roll out an impressive set of avant-garde use cases to keep owners occupied until Apple rolls out the next Siri revision. Read on for the top 5 Siri hacks and mods of 2011.

1- Beeri. Siri-controlled beer bot


2- Siri can start your car



3- Siri Proxy & ioBridge Home Automation


4- Play it again, Siri



and that was my favorite it may helps you alot if you want to make things works between Siri and your wife, as you can show her how Siri is trying to please her while you are having dinner and Siri plays your wife’s favorite song.

5-Siri Universal Remote


 So what do you think of this application, i think Siri rocks but poor siri it couldn’t escape rumors but that rumor was so funny as people though what it will be like if that application decide to break the rules and do what it only likes let’s check that video it’s so funny and as i told you before hide all the knives and any other sharp tools.

 It’s so humorous .

Also Siri in a short time become so famous as it appeared on an [TV-Ad] where it was helping Santa get through a busy day… Or night.

 Now i guess all of you knows why do alot of people are highly attached to Siri and we are waiting for more and more as i am sure their is alot from Siri to show us. At the beginning of the article i told you about a warning which am going to Announce right now.”TRY NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SIRI” LOL

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