মঙ্গলবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Apple iPhone 4S could launch in China in mid-January

By the middle of the coming January, people on China can enjoy having their new iPhone 4S, as Apple may launch it in China before Chinese New Year on January 23rd.

Apple iPhone 4S
Although Apple hasn’t yet said when officially it will launch the Phone in China, several retail stores in both Shenzen and Shenyang have already started taking pre-orders for the device seems that Apple customers in China was waiting to hear any thing about releasing iPhone 4S as they can’t wait the official announcement of the day and they just started to order the Phones. Frankly no one can blame them as what we are talking about is iPhone 4S and it have been along since they waited. Where the iPhone 4S made its U.S. debut in October and was launched in 20 additional countries earlier this month.

The rumor was firstly reported by people’s Daily in China, which announced that country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology granted the iPhone 4S with its China Compulsory Certification stamp of approval on 21st of December.
Any way we are all waiting for the official announcement hoping that Apple’s customers in China enjoy their new iPhone 4S with the beginning of the new year, wishing you a great year with Apple and iPhone 4S. and will keep you always updated with any news.

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